You can get Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend for free on your PC from Ocean of Games in India. Both the torrent and direct download links are available. It’s not just any download – it’s a direct link to something special for you.
Overview of Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend For PC
In the Age of Empires IV expansion The Sultans Ascend, you command strong armies in titanic conflicts to protect your homeland. Fight off European Crusaders, take part in a brand-new Middle Eastern campaign, and discover the biographies of well-known Muslim leaders.
Along with two new civilizations—Japanese and Byzantine—you’ll also get new perspectives on some classics. There is plenty to explore, including 10 new areas, rewards that may be unlocked, and naval combat! You may also like Kitsune Tails
Important Features of Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend
New Campaign: Battle through a Middle Eastern campaign against Crusaders.
New Civilizations: Play as the Japanese and Byzantines.
Naval Combat: Experience naval battles with new mechanics.
New Maps: Explore ten fresh maps.
Unlockables: Gain new rewards as you progress.
How to Download & Install
Click on the Download button below
Wait for 5 seconds, then click on the download now button.
Let the download process start and wait for it to complete.
After Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend on finishes downloading, right-click on the .zip file and select “Extract to Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend” (You’ll need 7-Zip for this, which you can download here.
Navigate to the Age of Empires IV: The Sultans Ascend, double-click on the exe application, and run it.
Enjoy the game! Remember to run it as an administrator. If you encounter any missing dll errors, check for a Redist or _CommonRedist folder and install all the programs within it.